HAIS Becomes One of 27 CIS Members In Vietnam
For the past four years, Hoi An International School (HAIS) has been tirelessly building an educational evironment where our students thrive academically, socially and emotionally. Not only do our staff...
Hoi An Holiday Bazaar 2020
The Hoi An Holiday Bazaar, is an annual community event organized by the parents community at Hoi An International School. This event is always a great opportunity for everyone, especially...
Reading With Your Child at Home
Many parents read to their young children at bedtime, and this is often a special time of great pleasure. However, when it comes to your child learning to read and...
HAIS LIFE October 2020
What a memorable month October turned out to be. Not only did we settle into our school routine, but also celebrated International Week and Halloween! International Week was the perfect...